Friday, March 25, 2011

I am a V.I.P

this is one of my favorite k-pop band's music video. they are not an idol but they are musician which is very genius in making music and dancing.

"Do you think we should give monetary incentives to the KP2 students to motivate them to get better grades?"

hello !

what is KP2 students actually ? KP2 students is the students whose get CGPA below 2.0 for the particular semester. and i believed we should give another chances to them like still continue giving the monetary incentives . this is because they should have this so called second chances to correct their mistakes. 

first of all, if we stop those monetary incentives to them, we may lower their confidence and focus to study. how can the students study in such calm and peaceful if they did not have money at all? how can they live their life ? to eat, to motivate themselves. 

continuing give the monetary expenses can actually boost up their self motivation.some people believe that giving those incentives is actually encouraged them to fail again. but do we realised when we give something, people will giving back something much precious ?

do you really know that chemical engineering is the toughest field in this area. failing here and there as the common things. even Thomas Edison fail about 999 times to invent the miracle invention which is a mentol? so giving another chances to the failure is not a waste of time. 

in conclusion, give chances to the failure, we may get bigger than what we give. 

one of the my unique classmates.

i like to to observe my classmates in the class. and sometimes, i lost my focus in the class because i kept observing them. 

almost 8 weeks, i have found an unique classmates. not because he is some kind of alien or weirdo animal but of his characters. 

he is one and the only person who got different skin tone from me and others. he also is not in the same race from me. even though he is a MAN, he is a really quiet man from his mankind. he seems like a very shy person. when the girls talk to him, he tend to move his face away and not looking into their eyes. 

i guess all of you can really guess who he is right? ;)

déjà vu?

The term déjà vu is French and means, literally, "already seen." Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all. As much as 70 percent of the population reports having experienced some form of déjà vu. A higher number of incidents occurs in people 15 to 25 years old than in any other age group. The experience of déjà vu seems to be quite common among adults and children alike.

Psychologists who study memory point out that we have memories for things that have happened to us, and also memory for where we encountered the things that happened to us. That memory for where we encountered information is called source memory. When you experience deja vu, it feels like you know what’s going to happen a second or a few seconds from now.  It usually lasts 5-10 seconds.  While you are having the experience, it feels like you have either had the exact same experience before, or you know exactly what is about to happen.

Don’t confuse deja vu with feeling like you have done something before when you really have done that thing before.  Then you’re just experiencing something you have already experienced in your past.  True deja vu is the uncanny feeling that you have experienced something that you know you have not yet experienced.

A Positive Thing that I'm Going to Do During the Mid-Semester Break ..

Holiday is the one that I have been waiting for even I just started the lesson for this time semester. It’s a break that always promises me fun and enjoyable. For me, it just a perfect time to do the thing that you like with your family or friends. So let me do a list what am I going to do for this semester break to make my holiday fullness with positive thing.

First, my homework as a lot assignment to do. Besides I have to study and make revision for the  subject that there will be a test after the break. To make sure that I will really benefit the holiday for study, I need to make a schedule.

Second is spent time with family and friends. I spend most of the semester inside in class, for lecture and tutorial,  in front of the computer. So this holiday, hanging out with my family. Maybe spent time to have dinner and go a picnic.I also plan to go shopping with my sister.
Last but not least, I want to learn how to cook from my mother. Cooking is one of my favorite thing to do. As a becoming woman, I think it necessary for me to know how to cook even it just a simple dishes.

Although this a short holiday,but I want to make it enjoyable and fun….:)

Handphone : advantages and disadvantages.


  • the mobile phone keeps us in constant contact with people we consider important
  • the mobile phone can help us seek help immediately during emergency cases
  • through mobile phone we can lesser our boredom, example listen to our favorite music 
  • it can take photos
  • mobile phone also gives us easier access on the internet
  • we can carry our mobile phone anywhere,
  • the mobile has lots of useful function like calendar, making notes, alarm clock, timer, calculator


  • our mobile phones makes our life more convenient, but as the saying goes every technology has
  • It’s equal negative side and mobile phones are not so especial to be exempted.
  • expensive
  • people spend less time boding with their family and friends
  • people just contact through mobile phone and became too lazy to meet outside
  • disturb us on our studies and works
  • people spend lots and lots of money buying the latest model to get updated
  • affects our body because of radiation it produce
  • easily broken
  • mobile phone makes it easier to invade privacy.

Students must vote during the 'Students' Election' because....

Now is the season of student election, most of the universities are busy with the election. And of course the candidates for the election also busy doing campaign throughout the whole week.

Student election just like politics, the community vote for their leaders on their home places to hold this responsibility and bring this up to the Prime Minister.
Students need a leader to represent their thoughts and ideas to rightful source or person which is in this case the universities students affair. 

As a student , it is our duty to vote.
Help put the college into the right hands. Even one single vote can influence and change the destiny.

Besides that, voting for student representative also means selecting a rightful leader so that a non wise and no good representative would not be selected. A wise and good person should be selected so that they can do their job well. Selecting a person with no good background might get all the students into trouble because they cannot present the idea from all students in the universities. They might come up with their own selfish idea and gets everyone in university into collapse. That is why students must vote during the ‘Students Election’.