Thursday, March 3, 2011


For this time entry, I would like to share with u guys the harmful of plastic in our daily life.
I am sure that most of us knew  about it, but what do we do??

First of all, let me tell what is actually plastic:
- The term 'plastic' derives from the Greek 'plastikos', meaning fit for molding, and 'plastos', meaning molded
- Plastics are synthetic materials created by linking together into polymers 
- plastics contain various chemical additives to facilitate the manufacturing process or produce a particular desirable property

Actually, Plastic is all around us. It can be in our clothing, eyeglasses, teeth, toothbrush, computers, phones, dishes, utensils, toys.  The list goes on.

but the widespread use of plastic is also causing unprecedented environmental problems, and harbours serious health risks  – especially for children.

Here are some of the harmful effects of plastic bags:

Plastic bags litter the landscape.
 Once they are used, most plastic bags go into landfill, or rubbish tips

Plastic bags kill animals. 
About 100,000 animals such as dolphins, turtles whales, penguins are killed every year due to plastic bags

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable.
The decomposition of plastic bags takes about 1000 years.

Petroleum is required to produce plastic bags.

So, What Can be Done about the Use of Plastic Bags?

 if we have the will, we can start reducing their use in small ways like:

1) A tote bag can make a good substitute for holding the shopping instead of plastic.
2) Recycling the plastic bags,  like holding your garbage

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